
Keyboard shortcut listing for some of my Blender tutorials


Keyboard shortcut listing of common commands used in my Blender tutorials.


  • 1 - front view.

  • 3 - side view.

  • 5 - toggle between perspective and orthographic.
    (Note: you must use the numpad keys for this, not the top row of number keys. If you do not have a numpad, enable 'emulate numpad' in the Input section of the user preferences. This will allow you to use the top row of numbers).

  • H - hide selected (Alt + H to unhide).

  • Z - toggle wireframe/solid shading.

  • Shift + C - reset 3d cursor to centre of scene.


  • Tab - switch between object and edit mode.


  • A - select everything (unless something is already selected, in which case unselect everything).
  • B + left mouse drag - box selection (middle mouse drag deselects instead).
  • C + left mouse drag - brush selection tool (middle mouse drag deselects instead. Use scrollwheel to change brush size).
  • L - selects all vertices joined to the one under the cursor (hold down Shift to deselect instead).
  • Alt + right click - select edge loop.


  • G - move tool.
  • R - rotation tool (double tap R to enter 'trackball rotation' mode).
  • S - scale tool (Alt + S to shrink/fatten in edit mode).
  • While using transform tool, entering a number will allow you to set exact values for the transformation.
  • Press X or Y or Z (while using tool such as grab/rotate/scale) - constrain the transformation to that axis.
  • Hold down Ctrl - enables snapping.
  • Hold down Shift - allows for smaller adjustments while using tools like move/rotate/scale.
  • Period/fullstop - change pivot to 3d cursor.
  • Comma - change pivot to mesh centre (or object origin in object mode).


  • X - delete selection.
  • Shift + D - duplicate selection.
  • Shift + A - create new mesh/object.

Edit mode:

  • E - extrude selection.

  • F - fill face.

  • P - separate selected mesh into new object.

  • Alt + M - merge selected vertices.

  • Ctrl + R - loopcut tool (cursor position determines location, orientation of cut. Use scrollwheel to increase/decrease number of cuts).

  • W - 'specials' menu (subdivide, remove doubles, shading mode, smooth mesh, etc).

  • Ctrl + E - edges menu (edge sliding, and others).

  • Ctrl + Tab - mesh selection mode (vertex/edge/face).

  • Ctrl + N - recalculate normals of selected vertices (use this if your mesh has strange lighting defects). If editting bones, this will recalculate the bone roll instead.

Object mode:

  • Ctrl + J - join two selected objects into single mesh.
  • Ctrl + A - apply transformation on selected object.
  • Ctrl + P - parent first selected object/s to last selected object.

Pose mode:

  • Ctrl + C - copy pose of selected bones.
  • Shift + Ctrl + V - paste copied pose onto other side of rig.


  • Spacebar - search bar (useful for finding tools if you forget the shortcut).
  • N - opens/closes properties panel.
  • T - opens/closes tool shelf.