
Finished|http://imgfz.com/i/wtWe8Ox.png|http://imgfz.com/i/6r3yxpI.png|http://imgfz.com/i/BgFjO3P.png|I had to make a game in which you can enter a number of up to 2 digits. Then, the device will launch numbers trying to "guess" my number. With each round, it must be indicated if the device number is less or greater than mine. Once the chosen number has been reached, it will be show it in the final screen with the round count.|This app was made using React-Native, expo as skeleton and expo vector icons. The handling of the app states was done with the useState hook. For the numbers released by the app, Math.random and Math.floor were used to ensure rounding down.|Tenía que hacer un juego en el que se pueda introducir un número de hasta 2 dígitos. Luego, el dispositivo lanzará números tratando de "adivinar" mi número. Con cada ronda, se debe indicar si el número de dispositivo es menor o mayor que el mío. Una vez alcanzado el número elegido, se mostrará en la pantalla final con el recuento de rondas.| Esta aplicación se creó con React-Native, expo como esqueleto e íconos vectoriales de expo. El manejo de los estados de la aplicación se realizó con el enlace useState. Para los números publicados por la aplicación, se usaron Math.random y Math.floor para garantizar el redondeo a la baja.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hi stranger, I’m Sebastian!

Welcome to this little project! 👉 Guess It! 👈

It is a small funny game.

You can even play with it! Just follow these steps to clone the repository

Whoa, hold on!👮‍♂️ Before you make a move, you need to have git and yarn package manager and Andorid Studio installed on your PC, Xcode in your Mac or Expo App in your mobile device.(You may find the links at the bottom)

  1. CLONE

    Enter $ git clone https://github.com/Seba-Toso/GuessTheNumber_game in your command shell and then press ENTER.

    cd GuessTheNumber_game

    yarn install

    expo start

    If everything goes rigth, a browser window will be automaticaly oppened and it will show you a QR Code that you can scan with your device and this will open the app.
    If you have Android studio or Xcode, run a virtual device, install expo app on it and run RickAndMorty's App by pressing a for Android Virtual Device or i for Ios Virtual Device, in your command shell

That's it, have fun!

WOW, I made it!🤯 But, how does this thing WORK

Play the game
Enter a number of your choise in the Input field and then confirm it by pressing the "Confirm" button.
After confirm the choised number, the screen will change and you will see a new screen with two buttons, one for "choised number is lower", one for "choised number is greater" and a number given by your device.
Guide your device through several numbers till find your choised number and see how rounds it took it to find it.
And that's it.

Live long and prosper 🖖

Git page
git web
Yarn package manager
npm install -g yarn

