
Finished|http://imgfz.com/i/ZDAPc5M.png|http://imgfz.com/i/LMDWOpn.png|http://imgfz.com/i/MiE3jBZ.png|IT-Devs was born to impulse junior developers skills. This project needed to combine all the knowledge from their members into a functional site that works to promote those developers and their codding skills.|All the site was developed using React as the interface builder, pure CSS for styles React-Router for routes, NodeJS and express to manage projects, form requests and database. Client data and contact is stored using Firebase. |IT-Devs nació para impulsar las habilidades de los desarrolladores junior. Este proyecto necesitaba combinar todo el conocimiento de sus miembros en un sitio funcional que funcione para promover a esos desarrolladores y sus habilidades de codificación.| Todo el sitio fue desarrollado utilizando React como constructor de interfaz, CSS puro para estilos React-Router para rutas, NodeJS y Express para gestionar proyectos, solicitudes de formularios y base de datos. Los datos del cliente y el contacto se almacenan mediante Firebase.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hi Partner, I’m Sebastian!

Welcome to this Repository! 👉 IT-Devs 👈

IT-Devs is a project co-created with Cristian Machuca to provide facilities to people that needs to push his projects into the web. It was born under the idea that there is a lot of developers who are looking for their first steps into the world of web development but sometimes it's too complicated, so, a project that brings together some of them and and develops people's personal projects, just looks good 👍.

¿What do i have to know about this project?

You can visit our web site 🙌. Here

To develop this project we use:
  1. HTML, CSS, JS

  2. React, React-Routes, React-Icons

  3. NodeJS, Testing Jest, Firebase

  4. Boostrap

  5. Test with Jest

That's it, have fun!

One more thing!

We put a lot of effort and time making this project real and we're very happy about the final result!

We also are open to recive feedback about this development, so don't hesitate to tell us your opinion.

If you are a new developer and you're looking for real projects practice, perhaps we can offer you something to do, just say hi.

Live long and prosper 🖖

Please, don't forget to check the web site

