
Finished|http://imgfz.com/i/ltyvD8a.png|http://imgfz.com/i/GRIT4s1.png|http://imgfz.com/i/mbqzows.png|The task was to create an app that allows access to recipe categories. On each category, all its recipes must be displayed and in each one of these will see its preparation. Each recipe must be able to be marked as a favorite and this must be recorded. All recipes can be filtered and checked as favorite.|This app was made using React-Native, expo as skeleton, expo vector icons, React Stack Navigation, Bottom tab Navigation and Drawer Navigation. The global state management of the app was done with Redux. The app data this time was provided by hardcode according to the meal and category models.|La tarea era crear una aplicación que permita el acceso a las categorías de recetas. En cada categoría se deben mostrar todas sus recetas y en cada una de estas se verá su preparación. Cada receta debe poder marcarse como favorita y esto debe quedar registrado. Todas las recetas se pueden filtrar y marcar como favoritas.| Esta aplicación se creó con React-Native, expo como esqueleto, iconos de vector de exposición, React Stack Navigation, navegación con pestañas inferiores y navegación con cajones. La gestión del estado global de la aplicación se realizó con Redux. Los datos de la aplicación esta vez fueron proporcionados por hardcode de acuerdo con los modelos de comida y categoría.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hi stranger, I’m Sebastian!

Welcome to this delicious project! 👉 Meals&Recipes 👈

An App made to see a lot of delicious meals and it's recipes. Do you like it? Mark it as favorite!

You can even play with it! Just follow these steps to clone the repository

Whoa, hold on!👮‍♂️ Before you make a move, you need to have git and yarn package manager and Andorid Studio installed on your PC, Xcode in your Mac or Expo App in your mobile device.(You may find the links at the bottom)

  1. CLONE

    Enter $ git clone https://github.com/Seba-Toso/Meals-Recipes in your command shell and then press ENTER.

    cd Meals-Recipes

    yarn install

    expo start

    If everything goes rigth, a browser window will be automaticaly oppened and it will show you a QR Code that you can scan with your device and this will open the app.
    If you have Android studio or Xcode, run a virtual device, install expo app on it and run RickAndMorty's App by pressing a for Android Virtual Device or i for Ios Virtual Device, in your command shell

That's it, have fun!

WOW, I made it!🤯 But, how does this thing WORK

Prepare your kitchen
On the home screen there are some food categories you can choose from, press one to see the corresponding foods.
Once selected a category, look for a meal and press it to see it's recipe. There you can mark it as favorite by pressing save button on the top bar.
A side bar will open by pressing the menu icon on the top bar which will allow you to filter meals.
Finally, on the bottom side will find a two buttons tab bar which allow you to see your marked as favorite meals.
And that's it.

Live long and prosper 🖖

Git page
git web
Yarn package manager
npm install -g yarn

