
Finished|http://imgfz.com/i/iepZKUr.jpeg|http://imgfz.com/i/TcWGh35.jpeg|http://imgfz.com/i/VIZAgz6.jpeg|Make a base for all the challenges that I was doing for work, fun or training. To be able to maximize the number of projects based on the reduction of downloaded and used dependencies, reusing the same packages and dependencies in a single large monorepo project.|In this site you will be able to see the different solutions that I have found to resolve the challenges that I've faced on my way as a developer. A monorepo that gathers all the common dependencies of each individual project in a root folder, reducing data traffic, downloading the same packages and dependencies, optimizing speed and efficiency.|Crear una base para todos los desafíos que estaba haciendo por trabajo, diversión o entrenamiento. Para poder maximizar la cantidad de proyectos en base a la reducción de dependencias descargadas y utilizadas, reutilizando los mismos paquetes y dependencias en un solo gran proyecto monorepo.|En este sitio podrás ver las diferentes soluciones que he encontrado para resolver los desafíos que he enfrentado en mi camino como desarrollador. Un monorepo que reúne todas las dependencias comunes de cada proyecto individual en una carpeta raíz, reduciendo el tráfico de datos, descargando los mismos paquetes y dependencias, optimizando la velocidad y la eficiencia.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hi stranger, I’m Sebastian!

Welcome to 👉 Multichallenge 👈

Here you will find all the challenges, excersises or tests that I have done on my way as a developer

This project will be deployed soon 🙌.

Project guide

Watch out!👮‍♂️ Before you make a move, you need to read this to avoid getting confused in the real maze that is projects scafolding.


    A project inside in a project. The bigger picture is a Monorepo project made with NodeJS v16 Workspace feature in which many other projects coexist as individual projects

    Api -

    A general Api to manage all projects backend. A main routing that splites into a multiple sub-routing for individual projects.

    App -

    A container for individual projects folders, plus general routing, pages, styles and components.

  2. ROUTING 🗺
    Main Home -

    Not much to say, is a selector, choose a project.

    Project Home -

    Here starts the real adventure, the individual project.

    1. Alkemy React Frontend challenge - SuperHero Api 🗺

      Develop an application to create a team of superheroes that will consume an external API and it will show different attributes at the individual level of each member and of the consolidated team.

That's it, have fun!

Live long and prosper 🖖