
Inference for diffusion processes with the use of `Guided Proposals`

Primary LanguageJuliaMIT LicenseMIT


MCMC sampler for inference for diffusion processes with the use of Guided Proposals using the package Bridge.jl. Currently under development.


The main function introduced by this package is

mcmc(::Type{K}, ::ObsScheme, obs, obsTimes, yPr::StartingPtPrior, w,
     P˟, P̃, Ls, Σs, numSteps, tKernel, priors, τ;
     fpt=fill(NaN, length(obsTimes)-1), ρ=0.0, dt=1/5000, saveIter=NaN,
     verbIter=NaN, updtCoord=(Val((true,)),), paramUpdt=true,
     skipForSave=1, updtType=(MetropolisHastingsUpdt(),),
     blockingParams=([], 0.1, NoChangePt()),
     solver::ST=Ralston3(), changePt::CP=NoChangePt(), warmUp=0)

It finds the posterior distribution of the unknown parameters given discrete time observations of the underlying process. Scripts folder contains a few example scripts which read the data from files, set up the observational scheme, call mcmc function and plot the results. We take the file inference_without_blocking.jl and explain the steps taken there in more detail below.

Example (see inference_without_blocking.jl for full code)

Running the sampler

First set global parameters and load the dependencies:

SRC_DIR = joinpath(Base.source_dir(), "..", "src")
AUX_DIR = joinpath(SRC_DIR, "auxiliary")
OUT_DIR = joinpath(Base.source_dir(), "..", "output")

include(joinpath(SRC_DIR, "BridgeSDEInference.jl"))
using Main.BridgeSDEInference
using Distributions # to define priors
using Random        # to seed the random number generator
using DataFrames
using CSV
include(joinpath(AUX_DIR, "read_and_write_data.jl"))
include(joinpath(AUX_DIR, "transforms.jl"))

We'll be working in a partial observations setting, which means we turn-off the flag about the first-passage time setting

fptObsFlag = false

We can load the data from a file:

# pick dataset
filename = "path_part_obs_conj.csv"

# fetch the data
(df, x0, obs, obsTime, fpt,
      fptOrPartObs) = readData(Val(fptObsFlag), joinpath(OUT_DIR, filename))

To see how data can be generated see this note. We assume that the underlying model is given by the FitzHugh-Nagumo diffusion. We choose an appropriate parametrisation of the model (see this note for more details on available parametrisations)

param = :complexConjug

and take a guess at initial values of the parameters:

θ₀ = [10.0, -8.0, 15.0, 0.0, 3.0]

Let's define now the target and auxiliary laws:

# Target law= FitzhughDiffusion(param, θ₀...)
# Auxiliary law= [FitzhughDiffusionAux(param, θ₀..., t₀, u[1], T, v[1]) for (t₀,T,u,v)
     in zip(obsTime[1:end-1], obsTime[2:end], obs[1:end-1], obs[2:end])]

The process is two-dimensional and the data is such that we observe its first coordinate without any noise: V=LX, with equation, at a discrete grid of time-points. For the numerical reasons we assume that we in fact observe V=LX+Z, where Z is Gaussian random variable with mean 0 and miniscule noise. To this end we set observational matrix L and covariance matrix Σ

L = @SMatrix [1. 0.]
Σdiagel = 10^(-10)
Σ = @SMatrix [Σdiagel]

We can now define the observational operator and covariance matrix of the noise at each observation time:

Ls = [L for _ in P̃]
Σs =for _ in P̃]

We define a time-change function used for numerical purposes and set the number of steps of the Markov chain. We additionally define a convenience number saveIter, which says that 1 in every saveIter many steps of the MCMC chain the entire accepted path will be saved (and can be later plotted)

τ(t₀,T) = (x) ->  t₀ + (x-t₀) * (2-(x-t₀)/(T-t₀))

We will be updating 4 coordinates of the vector θ. The first three will be completed via conjugate samplers, the last one will be done via Metropolis-Hastings step. First, we define the transition kernel for the Metropolis-Hastings step---we use a random walk. Note that we define 5-dimensional random walk, despite the fact that not all coordinates are relevant. In particular, we will soon indicate that only the last coordinate of θ is supposed to be updated with a Metropolis-Hastings step, consequently, the step-size of the random walk (and information whether respective coordinates need to be kept positive) in any other dimension is irrelevant.

tKernel = RandomWalk([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5],
                     [false, false, false, false, true])

We also specify priors. We choose multivariate normals for conjugate update and an improper prior for the Metropolis-Hastings setp. For more information about convenience functions for priors see this note.

priors = Priors((MvNormal([0.0,0.0,0.0], diagm(0=>[1000.0, 1000.0, 1000.0])),

We set the blocking scheme. For this example we don't want any blocking:

𝔅 = NoBlocking()
blockingParams = ([], 0.1, NoChangePt())

For more information about possible blocking choices, see this note. We also specify that by default only single ODE solvers for H, and c are to be used:

changePt = NoChangePt()

We specify a prior over the starting point to be a rather uninformative Gaussian:

x0Pr = GsnStartingPt(x0, x0, @SMatrix [20. 0; 0 20.])

For more information about re-sampling of the starting point see this note. Finally, we set the warmUp variable, which says for how many initial steps of the MCMC chain no parameter updates need to be made and only path need to be updated. This can sometimes help with silly initialisations of the starting point that can otherwise cause some volatile swaying of the parameter chain in the initial stages of the mcmc chain.

warmUp = 100

We can now run the mcmc sampler:

(chain, accRateImp, accRateUpdt,
    paths, time_) = mcmc(eltype(x0), fptOrPartObs, obs, obsTime, x0Pr, 0.0, P˟,
                         P̃, Ls, Σs, numSteps, tKernel, priors, τ;
                         updtCoord=(Val((true, true, true, false, false)),
                                    Val((false, false, false, false, true)),

We passed some additional parameters. ρ is the memory parameter for the Cranck-Nicolson scheme. dt is the density parameter for the grid on which unobserved parts of the path are imputed. For diagnostic purposes the sampled path is saved once every saveIter many steps of the mcmc chain. Once every verbIter many steps short info is printed to the console. updtCoord is a many-hot encoding, indicating which coordinates of θ vector are being updated by a corresponding transition kernel. updtType, then gives the type of the update to be performed by the respective transition kernel (MetropolisHastingsUpdt() is the most generic update type, ConjugateUpdt()---if implemented---allows for sampling from full conditional distributions). The MCMC chain cycles through the entries of priors.priors, updtCoord and updtType, so that the trio of priors.priors[i], updtCoord[i], updtType[i] characterises an MCMC update. paramUpdt indicates whether parameters need to be updated at all. If not, then only bridges are repeatedly sampled, resulting in mcmc function acting as a marginal sampler from the law of the target bridges, conditionally on the parameter values. skipForSave is the parameter used to reduce the storage space needed to save the paths---only 1 every skipForSave many points of the simulated paths are saved. Finally, solver indicates which numerical solver is supposed to be used for solving backward ODEs. The possible choices are: Ralston3, RK4, Tsit5, Vern7.

Inspecting the results

We can inspect acceptance rates:

print("imputation acceptance rate: ", accRateImp,
      ", parameter update acceptance rate: ", accRateUpdt)

We can also save the results to files. For a fair comparison we transform the second coordinate to X under the :regular parametrisation.

x0⁺, pathsToSave = transformMCMCOutput(x0, paths, saveIter; chain=chain,

df2 = savePathsToFile(pathsToSave, time_, joinpath(OUT_DIR, "sampled_paths.csv"))
df3 = saveChainToFile(chain, joinpath(OUT_DIR, "chain.csv"))

Lastly, we can make some diagnostic plots:

include(joinpath(AUX_DIR, "plotting_fns.jl"))
set_default_plot_size(30cm, 20cm)
plotPaths(df2, obs=[Float64.(df.x1), [x0⁺[2]]],
          obsTime=[Float64.(df.time), [0.0]], obsCoords=[1,2])

plotChain(df3, coords=[1])
plotChain(df3, coords=[2])
plotChain(df3, coords=[3])
plotChain(df3, coords=[5])

Here are the results, the sampled paths:


And the Markov chains, for parameter ϵ:


parameter s:


parameter γ:


and parameter σ:
