
Support five player version

jdien07 opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi, this is a wonderful contribution and I'm very excited by it! I made a first attempt to use it and ran into an issue. Hope you can help! Starting with TTS running the v2 June 21 version of GH Fantasy Setup, I tried using version 1.1.0 of the campaign manager to transfer the campaign to Selcouth's five player variant version June30. I don't see any error messages but the characters were not transferred. Also the contents of the party sheet. I see the messages: Loading scenarios, achievements, prosperity, unlocked classes, opening conditions, and sanctuary. Even this much is quite helpful but would be great if the rest could work too. Thanks for all the work!

Good point. I didn't consider the 5 player variant yet. I have to check what exactly is different there but I assume it should be easy to support. I will put that on the Roadmap. :-)

The latest version of the 5 player variant is now supported (the one from Selcouth). Other version of the 5 player mod are not supported, as they are different from the one from Selcouth and supporting both seemed a lot of trouble.