
Some nice tools for dev testing!

Primary LanguageC#


This plugin gives both developers and administrators some really nice features that should help you configure or develop most if not every plugin.

For example, if you're having trouble with CommonUtils' configuration variables and wanna know each class ID, you can use info roles. Or you wanna know where center of a certain room is for a plugin you're making? Just use info room and/or gotoroom <RoomName> to get it!


As with any EXILED plugin, you must place the DevTools.dll file inside of your "%appdata%/Roaming/Plugins" folder.


Arguments inside <> are required.

Command Description Arguments Permission
dt Gives you a list of every tool you get! - None
tpdoor Teleports a door to your position while being able to change <DoorName> <xScale> <yScale> <zScale> dt.tpdoor
nuketimer Set's the nuke timer to whatever you input <seconds> dt.nuketimer
forcedecontamination Long names need no descriptions! (Jk, it immediately closes LCZ, no timers) - dt.forcedecontamination
gotoroom Go to the center of a specified room <RoomName> dt.gotoroom
testbadge Give a player a hidden tag that only you should be able to see <player> <text> dt.testbadge
resetbadge Give that poor player his badge back :( <player> dt.resetbadge
randompos Teleports you to a random spawnpoint of a specified RoleType (Type info roles to get a list of every role) <RoleType> dt.randompos
info Source of useful information Any of the specified below dt.info
info pos Get information on your current position - dt.info.pos
info room Get information about the room you're in - dt.info.room
info rooms Get every room name - dt.info.rooms
info class Gets your current RoleType and hidden Team you're in - dt.info.class
info alldoors Gets every door's name and their position (More complete than door command) - dt.info.alldoors
info getobjects Get every GameObject's name that's around you <distance> dt.info.getobjects
info roles Get every RoleType there is - dt.info.roles
info reload Reload's this plugin's config variables (I'll move this to dt reload later) - dt.info.reload
info version Get this plugin's version - dt.info.version


These are the variables that should be added to your 7777-config.yml.

Variable Description Default value
dt_permissionsneed Whether these commands require specific permissions or just RemoteAdmin access false

That'd be all

Needless to say, the code is completely open-source and it's intention is to help developers make better plugins, so feel free to copy whatever you find useful from my code!

Thanks for passing by, have a nice day! :)