
my first nlp project

Primary LanguagePython


allows you to import, clean, analyse, sort and illustrate texts of several data types from a directory of choice. based on spacy.

Still work in progress, I am extremely grateful for feedback!


directory which contains documents of various file formats. supports languages German, English as well as the latin languages Italian, Frensh, Portuguese, Spanish


pandas dataframe with basic analysis and linguistic features for each document (or each language of each document)

html graphical summary of the dataframe

The script does basically the following:

1: let the user decide from which directory documents should be imported

2: transform pdfs, docx and some other formated documents into txt

3: let the user specify if single documents in the directory are written in more than one language

4: depending on the answer to 3, the language detection is applied on the entire document or on each sentence of the doc individually (= considerably more costly and not always accurate, especially if the document is not well parsed)

5: apply some cleaning functions, adapted from the package nlpre

6: define textname, language, cleaned text (= subselect certain linguistic elements), nouns, verbs, adjectives and named entities

7: store this data along with the original texts in a pandas dataframe in the directory from which the documents are parsed

8: output a graphical summary of the documents with the package scattertext (does not work currently if only one language is predicted!)

further development path:

1: find a way to eliminate the first spacy pipeline with the language detection

2: make the code more efficient

3: train a text classifier with spacy-transformers and textcat and add to the second nlp-pipeline

4: use the predicted category of the document as the category variable in the scattertext-corpus

5: allow parsing from web ressources (see spacy-holmes code and beautifulsoup)

6: add further useful functions to the pipeline such as a specific spacy-matcher, train an ner ...

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