
Quickstart into Testing in Electron with Ava and Spectron!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Quickstart for testing with Electron

This is a basic Electron testing setup. It combines Spectron and the test-runner Ava. This allows you to quickly start an Electron project with a testing pipeline already active.

Electron Version: 5.0.0

Spectron Version: 7.0.0


npm install

For Testing:

npm test

For Starting:

npm start

A bit more in-depth

First of all it's important to start and close Electron before and after all tests. We do this like this in the test.js file:

//Application gets started before testing
test.before(t => {
    app = new Application({
        path: electronPath,
        args: ['main.js'],
        startTimeout: timeout,
        waitTimeout: timeout,

    return app.start()

//And closed after testing
test.after(t => {
    if (app && app.isRunning()) {
        return app.stop()

This functionality is enabled by Spectron. The test themselves are written with the syntax defined by Ava.

test('Window was launched', async t => {
    t.is(await app.client.getWindowCount(), 1)

test('HTML was loaded', async t => {
    t.is(await app.client.getTitle(), 'Title of my HTML-file')

Here the async-enabled syntax of Ava really shines.


Made by Sebastian Schuchmann. Free for commerical and personal use.
