
This plugin has been compiled with sourcemod 1.11 It is an update of

The previous website has been changed for a responsive one based on boopstrap 4 and the datatables plugin


!rank or !ranks - Shows a menu with a list of current players and a top ten submenu, if you select a player it will tell you their ranking number, round point amount, and total point count.

!rankme - Displays your current standing vs other players on the server.

!top - Displays only the top twenty-five players on the server.

pr_reward - Rewards the selected target or targets the specified amount of points. BAN flag

pr_revoke - Does the opposite of the above command. BAN flag

pr_dumpinfo - Shows all connected client info, this is a debug command that you shouldn't need. BAN flag

pr_forcesave - Saves all connected client scores, this is a debug command that you shouldn't need. BAN flag

pr_forcecleanup - Forces the plugin to clean old records from the system. BAN flag


Download playerranks.smx, and playerranks.phrases.txt below. Do not download playerranks.sp unless you are a developer or you want to compile the plugin yourself.

Move playerranks.smx to your sourcemod/plugins folder.

Move playerranks.phrases.txt to your sourcemod/translations folder.

Developers: This plugin requires More Colors in order to compile successfully.

Go to your sourcemod\configs\database.cfg file and add the following lines anywhere inside the "databases" key:



"driver" "mysql" // If you planned on using SQLite, then you don't need to do any of this step. Configuration not required for SQLite.

"host" "" // Leave it as is if you're running on the same server as the game server, else put in your MySQL server's IP.

"database" "playerranks" // Your database name.

"user" "root" // Put in your username between the quotes.

"pass" "" // Put in your password between the quotes.

"port" "3306" // If your port differs, fill this in.


Run the MySQL query below to create the database and table:

CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS playerranks;USE playerranks;CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS players (steamid TEXT, nickname TEXT, points FLOAT DEFAULT 0.00, seen INTEGER DEFAULT 0);


copy the files to the main folder of your web server

Enter to basesdedatos/conexion.php and remplace to:

define('servidor', 'host');

define('nombre_bd', 'DB');

define('usuario', 'USER');

define('password', 'PASSWORD');