
This is the repository for the Final Project of the OOP class, an ATM Machine emulator with SRS Documentation

Primary LanguageJava


Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Functional Requirements
  3. Non-Functional Requirements
  4. Diagram Class
  5. Use Case Diagram
  6. Activity Diagram
  7. Conclusion


This document outlines the Software Requirements Specification (SRS) for our banking system. It describes the system's functional and non-functional requirements, providing a detailed overview for developers, testers, and stakeholders.

Functional Requirements

User Authentication

  • Authentication Method: The system must authenticate users using their User ID and PIN.
  • Failed Login Handling: The system should block the user for 60 seconds after three failed login attempts.

Account Balance Inquiry

  • Balance View: The system should allow users to view their account balance.

Cash Withdrawal

  • Withdrawal Denominations: The system should allow users to withdraw cash in predefined denominations (e.g., $20, $50, $100, $200).
  • Fund Availability Check: The system should check if sufficient funds are available before processing a withdrawal.

Cash Deposit

  • Deposit Method: The system should allow users to deposit cash by processing input from a file (for simplicity).

PIN Change

  • PIN Verification: The system should allow users to change their PIN after verifying their current PIN.

Transfer to Joint Account

  • Fund Transfer: The system should allow primary account users to transfer funds to a linked joint account.

User Menu Display

  • Menu Appropriateness: The system should display appropriate menus for primary and joint account users.

Non-Functional Requirements


  • GUI Design: The system should have an intuitive, user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI).
  • User Guidance: The system should provide clear messages and instructions to users.


  • System Availability: The system should be available 99.9% of the time.

Diagram Class


Use Case Diagram

Untitled Workspace

Activity Diagram

Activity Diagram


This document provides a comprehensive overview of the functional and non-functional requirements for the banking system. Adherence to these requirements will ensure the system meets user needs and maintains high standards of usability and reliability.