Hi there! I'm Sebastiano!

banner that says I'm Sebastiano Gaudeano has a little silly photo of me and says I love to be a developer!

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I'm a software developer who's really passionate about coding! I born as a backend developer and then with time and experience I opened to learn also frontedn technologies! I mainly work in C# and .net core/6. For the frontend part my absolute favorite SPA framework is Angular! Altough at work I mainly develop in ReactJs! Recently I discovere flutter and I'm totally falling in love with it! I also taught it to a class in a profesional course this year!

Altough at work I stick to some technology that are bound to the company DNA I love to explore new and exciting things this lead me to discover continuously some new technologies, frameworks or solutions related to this world!

One of my favorite place to hangout is Hashnode AMAZING!! Developer blog platform! I'm planning on write something there! Maybe you'll find me there in the future!

  • 🔭 I’m currently working on nothing! But I would like to start and help in some open source projects!
  • 🌱 I'm currently trying to understand how I can use docker as a developer!
  • 📫 How to reach me: you can reach me on my linkedin profile!! (Atm is only in Italian but I'm working on it!)
  • 😄 Pronouns: He/Him
  • ⚡ Fun fact: My absolute favorite Tv show is Doctor Who! and my favorite anime is Fairy Tail! Also Guess what? I love to code!

I own some cisco certfication and I even published a project for the company I work for on their stack exchange, you can look at it here and here on cisco code exchange.

Thanks for reading till the end!!!