High-fidelity Navier-Stokes solver for incompressible flows around obstacles with distributed block-structured adaptively refined grids.

Primary LanguageC++


Incompressible Flow Solver for Complex Deformable Geometries in 2D.


CubismUP-2D has the following prerequisite libraries:

  • MPI, with the $MPICXX enviroment variable defined.
  • GSL, with the $GSL_ROOT environment variable defined.
  • HDF5, with the $HDF5_ROOT environment variable defined.

On Piz Daint:

module swap PrgEnv-cray PrgEnv-gnu
module load daint-gpu 
moudle load cray-python
module load cray-hdf5 
module load GSL 
module load cdt-cuda
module load craype-accel-nvidia60
export MPICXX=CC
export CXX=CC
export NVCC=nvcc

On Euler:

module load gcc
module load openmpi
module load hdf5
module load python
module load gsl
export MPICXX=mpic++

On Panda/Falcon:

module load gnu mpich python hdf5
export GSL_ROOT=/usr


With the above dependencies installed and associated environment variables set the code can be compiled by

cd makefiles
make -j

Compilation (cmake)

Compile the code using:

mkdir -p build
cd build
cmake ..

Run an example with the following commands, starting from the build folder:

cd ..
export PYTHONPATH=$(pwd):$(pwd)/build/:$PYTHONPATH
cd cubismup2d/examples/

Output files will be stored in the output/ folder.


In order to run a simulation go to the launch directory for some preset cases