The assignmet is to write a specialized "calculator" that, in addition to standard mathematical expressions, also helps in converting temperatures.
Plus, minus, times, divided by (keep it simple and take one operation/operand at a time)
Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit (and vice versa)
If "xyzzy" is entered somewhere, the message "Nothing happens" should be printed, this is a so-called easter egg.
Quit the application if the user types "quit".
Bonus: Add your own easter egg to the application.
Counters must of course come with relevant unit tests. Split the code into reusable methods to make it easier! Do loading of user data in separate methods. Feel free to split the application into programs and class libraries. Comment/document if necessary.
Note that any errors (execptions) that may occur (formatting, conversion, etc.) must be handled - the program must not be allowed to crash.