
This application is currently developed for use on MacOS. The application is using applescript for almost all functionality, therefore functionality on other operating systems is not guaranteed.


Throughout the weeks, days, and months, I worked on similar types of tasks. For my first coding project, I wanted to create an application that could quickly re-organize my desktop to include only the applications and websites I needed for a specific task. The goal was to transition quickly from one task to another, and so this Task Manager Application was born.

Task Manager Application

This application helps you manage your tasks by controlling the applications and websites you need for any specific task. It uses a .txt file with task_related_apps and task_related_websites to determine which applications and websites are necessary for your task.


  • Closes any application that is not listed in the task_related_apps in your .txt file.
  • Opens all the applications listed in the task_related_apps.
  • Minimizes your instance of Chrome and creates a new one with your preferred websites listed in task_related_websites.
  • Can launch a Cold Turkey website blocker with or without time duration.


Ensure you have Python 3 installed. Then, install the necessary packages with pip:

pip install PyQt5

There is also the option to utilize a Cold Turkey Blocker, this project is not affiliated with Cold Turkey Blocker, but for my personal use i wanted to be able to block unrelated websites quickly. you can check out turkey blocker here https://getcoldturkey.com/

How to Use

  1. Create a .txt file with your task_related_apps and task_related_websites. An example of how to make a preset file is provided in Example .txt file (Lyrics preset).txt.
  2. You can also create a .txt with your default websites and apps that you want to be common amongst your preset.
  3. Use the bundle_id of apps when adding to task_related_apps. You can find the bundle_id of an application by using the script provided in find_bundle_id.py.
  4. Run the FinalApp.py script to start the task manager.


  • Python 3
  • PyQt5
  • Cold Turkey Blocker (optional)


If you want to contribute, please get in touch via GitHub (https://github.com/SebastianMusic). This is my first coding project and interaction with GitHub, and I welcome all contributions and suggestions.