Sebastian Neyra Velarde - Personal Portfolio

Welcome to my personal portfolio repository! This project showcases my work as a software engineer and cloud architect. It's a platform where I highlight my skills, projects, and professional experience. Feel free to explore the code, check out the live site, and reach out if you have any questions or suggestions.

Live Demo

You can view the live version of my portfolio here.

Table of Contents


This portfolio was created to provide an online presence and to demonstrate my skills in software development, cloud architecture, and other areas of expertise. It includes sections such as About Me, Skills, Experience, Portfolio, Blog, Testimonials, and Contact Information.


  • Responsive Design: Adapts to different screen sizes for an optimal viewing experience.
  • Dynamic Content: Projects and blog posts are loaded dynamically.
  • Smooth Scrolling: Provides a seamless navigation experience.
  • Back-to-Top Button: Easy navigation to the top of the page.

Technologies Used

  • HTML5: Structure of the site
  • CSS3: Styling and layout
  • JavaScript: Interactivity and dynamic content