A Flutter SPA map application. DOWNLOAD APK
- See your location on map. Refresh on demand.
- See nearbly SPA facilities.
- Open navigation to selected SPA.
- Dark Mode support!
This app was developed and tested on the following flutter channel and version:
Flutter 1.25.0-8.3.pre • channel beta • https://github.com/flutter/flutter.git
Framework • revision 5d36f2e7f5 (6 days ago) • 2021-01-14 15:57:49 -0800
Engine • revision 7a8f8ca02c
Tools • Dart 2.12.0 (build 2.12.0-133.7.beta)
The apps functionality and UI were tested on the following devices:
- Android
- Pixel 2 XL (Android 10)
- iOS Simulator
- iPhone SE
- iPhone 8
- iPhone 11 Pro
The apps supports the following localizations with appropriate translations:
- English
- German
- Polish
Start by adding your mapbox urls and access token in
If you want to run the app using the terminal:
- Debug & Development
flutter run --flavor dev lib/main_dev.dart
- Release & Production
flutter run --release --flavor prod lib/main_prod.dart
Try to run the tests via your IDE.
You can run flutter driver tests using the command:
flutter drive --flavor dev --target=test_driver/app.dart
- Add logic for handling of when user rejects the location permission completely
- Proper handling of when the user goes offline while in the app
- Make the bottom place description modal animated and dismissible