
Bringing scripting to the wiki bears.

Primary LanguageHTMLMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


Build Status Dependency Status devDependency Status


The KumaScript service takes requests to render raw documents (documents that may contain one or more embedded macro calls), and responds with a fully-rendered document (a document where each of the embedded macros has been executed and replaced inline with its output). The requests can be either via GET, with the full document path in the URL like GET /docs/en-US/JavaScript/Foo, or via POST /docs, with the actual raw content of the document included in the body of the POST. Here's an overview of a GET request:

KumaScript overview of GET

NOTE: If you'd like to update the diagram above, import overview.xml into https://www.draw.io, make your changes, and export overview.png.

Updating Macros

The actual macros available and used are under the macros directory of this repository. For example, if your MDN document makes one or more calls to the CSSRef macro (or cssref, since macro calls are case insensitive), the file macros/CSSRef.ejs is the actual macro that will be executed.

In the past, these macros were stored within a database, and read, updated, or deleted via MDN (the Kuma service). Since this is no longer true, when you want to update one or more of these macros, you no longer do that via MDN, but instead via this GitHub repository (see https://guides.github.com/activities/contributing-to-open-source/). A quick summary:

  1. Fork the Mozilla kumascript repository
  2. Create a branch for your changes
  3. Make and test your changes
    • First you will need to install Docker and clone the Mozilla kuma repository. See https://kuma.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html for detailed instructions on how to do this. Make sure you follow the instructions completely, to the bottom of the page.

    • Go to the kumascript sub-directory within your cloned kuma repository. This is a git submodule that currently points to the Mozilla kumascript repository. Reconfigure this git submodule to point to your forked repository from step 1, and your new branch from step 2.

      git remote set-url origin <URL-TO-YOUR-FORKED-REPO-FROM-STEP-1>
      git fetch origin <BRANCH-NAME-FROM-STEP-2>
      git checkout <BRANCH-NAME-FROM-STEP-2>
    • Now you are ready to add, modify, and/or delete any macro files, and then test them by running your local version of Kuma.

  4. Open a pull request to merge your branch on your forked repository into the main Mozilla kumascript repository

Your pull request will be reviewed by one or more members of the MDN team, and if accepted, your changes will be merged into the master branch and scheduled for release to production.

Setup (Docker)

Development (Docker)

  • To build a Docker image:
    • make build
  • To run tests:
    • make test
  • To run the service:
    • make run

Setup (Standalone)

Development (Standalone)

  • To run the service:
    • Directly:
      • node run.js
    • Managed by up:
      • ./node_modules/.bin/up -p 9080 -w run.js
  • To run tests:
    • ./node_modules/.bin/nodeunit tests
  • To check code quality:
    • ./node_modules/.bin/hint lib tests
      • This will make a racket if it hits parser.js
      • TODO: Ignore this file.
  • To generate docs:
    • ./node_modules/.bin/docco lib/kumascript/*.js
  • To generate document macro parser (optional):
    • ./node_modules/.bin/pegjs lib/kumascript/parser.pegjs
      • This is not required in dev, but should be done for production.
      • If parser.js is missing, the parser will be built on the fly.

On OS X, kicker is handy for auto-running tests and lint on file changes:

kicker -e'./node_modules/.bin/jshint lib tests' \
       -e'./node_modules/.bin/nodeunit tests' \
       -e'./node_modules/.bin/docco lib/kumascript/*.js' \
       --no-growl \
       lib tests