
Possible to run tests in Visual Studio to debug using test order from NUnitTestOrdering.

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Happy New Year!

I know you've recommended using NUnit console to run tests, but is there a way using your library to still run tests to debug them within Visual Studio?

I'm trying to debug a test but I want it to run in the order I created using the EnableTestOrdering file.

It's quicker and more efficient debugging tests using Visual Studio.


It should be possible from the Visual Studio Test Explorer, which queries the NUnit directly. It won't work from Resharper.

Thanks for your response! Just to confirm I understand what your saying. Would the order set it in the EnableTestOrdering.cs file be taken into account in Visual Studio or just an order set for each file using the NUnit order attribute?

Good to know! Is there a configuration or a specific way to run the tests in Visual Studio for the NUnitTestOrdering run order to be taken into account?

At the moment I'm in Visual Studio. Test Explorer is grouped by traits.

  • There is a selection for "NUnitTestOrdering" in the list but it lists each individual tests and not any groups of tests (test sets/suites).

Should the grouping of the test in EnableTestOrdering.cs show up as a tree in Visual Studio?


I'm not sure. Please try it and let me know what you find.

Hi Sebazzz!

Can you provide some feedback on how other users have used your library?

Do they only use it in conjunction with Nunit Console or another external test runner outside of Visual Studio?

I just want to make sure I'm using the library within the context of which it was created.
