
Me trying "Let's build an interpreter" in C++

Primary LanguageC++

Simple Pascal Interpreter

This is my attempt at following the Let's Build A Simple Interpreter series. Since I like C++ but probably never will write C++ professionally (full-time C# web developer) I decided that C++ should be a good exercise for me.

Implemented language features:

  • Built-in types
    • REAL
    • STRING (TODO: Currently leaks memory because the string pool is not cleaned up when strings are no longer used)
  • Variable assignment
    • Type conversion
  • Operators
    • Standard math operators
    • Comparison operators (Just eq for now)
    • String concatenation
    • Unary operators
  • Control flow
    • If / Else
      • Single line
      • Multi-line
  • Semantic analysis
  • Comments
  • Procedures
    • Parameter support
    • Built-in procedures
      • writeln
  • Functions
    • Parameter support
    • Built-in functions
      • random

Implemented interpreter features:

  • REPL mode
  • File mode
  • Pinpointing the cause of an issue, for instance:
In a call to procedure writeln too many arguments have been provided

           writeln('a = ', a);


  • Written in C++17
  • Minimum dependency on Win32 API if any
  • Warnings as errors, SDL checks on
  • About 60 unit tests written in C++ / Catch

Sample program:

   number     : INTEGER;
   a, b, c, x : INTEGER;
   y          : REAL;

BEGIN {Part10}
      number := 2;
      a := number;
      b := 10 * a + 10 * number DIV 4;
      c := a - - b
   x := 11;
   y := 20 / 7 + 3.14;
   writeln('hello world!');
END.  {Part10}