Install the NuGet Package

Install-Package Selenium.WebDriver.MSEdgeDriver
dotnet add package Selenium.WebDriver.MSEdgeDriver

Getting started

var edgeOptions = new EdgeOptions
    UseChromium = true
var edgeDriverService = EdgeDriverService.CreateChromiumService();

For more information, see

Create the NuGet package

getPackage.bat <version>

For example, to automatically download the Microsoft Edge Driver and create the NuGet package '.\dist\Selenium.WebDriver.MSEdgeDriver.84.0.522.49.nupkg':

getPackage.bat 84.0.522.49


Most the process is automated, but I still need to check MS Edge Driver's page and execute the batch file manually. I am trying to do this once a month. If you would like to have faster releases, please contact me to become a contributor.

Cross-platform building and publishing

Edge driver developers normally releases versions with win32, win64, mac and linux binaries, but sometimes they decide to release one version with just linux, or just mac and windows binaries. The automated process can only make nuget packages of full releases.

How to include the driver file into published files?

"msedgedriver(.exe)" isn't included in published files on default configuration. This behavior is by design and follows design. For more info reffer to guides at

To include published files, define PublishMsEdgeDriver property with value is "true" in MSBuild file (.csproj, .vbproj, etc...) to publish the driver file instead of define compilation symbol.

  <Project ...>