
Interface for controlling a Vector robot in Benefits of an Interactive Robot Character in Immersive Puzzle Games

Primary LanguagePython

Benefits of an Interactive Robot Character in Immersive Puzzle Games

Robot control code for the Interactive Robot Character in Immersive Puzzle Games study

Created by Ting-Han Lin and Spencer Ng at the Human-Robot Interaction Lab at the University of Chicago.


  1. Install PyQt5
  2. Generate the PyQt GUI: pyuic5 wizard.ui -o wizardui.py
  3. Install the Anki Vector SDK and configure the Anki Vector robot with your computer: python3 -m anki_vector.configure

Wizard Usage

  1. Launch ROS with roscore
  2. Run the wizard for either the robot (default) condition or the human condition: python3 main.py [--human]
  3. The wizard will launch. Upon completing a study, click "export data" to generate a participant JSON file in data/