
Yandex Cloud terraform module for managed Redis cluster

Primary LanguageHCL



Name Version
terraform >= 1.5.0
yandex >= 0.107


Name Version
yandex >= 0.107


No modules.


Name Type
yandex_mdb_redis_cluster.this resource


Name Description Type Default Required
cluster_announce_hostnames Announce fqdn instead of ip address bool null no
cluster_client_output_buffer_limit_normal Normal clients output buffer limits. See redis config file any null no
cluster_client_output_buffer_limit_pubsub Pubsub clients output buffer limits. See redis config file any null no
cluster_databases Number of databases (changing requires redis-server restart) number null no
cluster_deletion_protection Inhibits deletion of the cluster bool null no
cluster_description A description of the Redis cluster string "Redis cluster managed by terraform" no
cluster_disk_size Volume of the storage available to a host, in gigabytes number 20 no
cluster_disk_size_type Type of the storage of Redis hosts - environment default is used if missing. string null no
cluster_environment Deployment environment of the Redis cluster.
Can be either PRESTABLE or PRODUCTION. The default is PRODUCTION
string "PRODUCTION" no
cluster_folder_id The ID of the folder that the Redis cluster belongs to string null no
cluster_maintenance_windows Maintenance policy of the Redis cluster
cluster_maintenance_windows = {
type = "WEEKLY"
day = "MON
hour = "17"
map(any) {} no
cluster_maxmemory_policy Redis key eviction policy for a dataset that reaches maximum memory. Can be any of the listed in the official RedisDB documentation string null no
cluster_name Redis cluster name and name prefix for cluster resources string n/a yes
cluster_network_id ID of the network, to which the Redis cluster belongs string n/a yes
cluster_notify_keyspace_events Select the events that Redis will notify among a set of classes string null no
cluster_password Password for the Redis cluster string n/a yes
cluster_persistence_mode Persistence mode bool null no
cluster_resource_preset_id The ID of the preset for computational resources available to a host (CPU, memory etc.) string "b3-c1-m4" no
cluster_security_group_ids List of security group IDs to be assigned to cluster list(string) null no
cluster_sharded Redis Cluster mode enabled/disabled bool null no
cluster_slowlog_max_len Slow queries log length string null no
cluster_timeout Close the connection after a client is idle for N seconds number null no
cluster_tls_enabled TLS support mode enabled/disabled bool null no
cluster_version Version of the Redis cluster string n/a yes
hosts Hosts configuration
zone = string
subnet_id = optional(string)
shard_name = optional(string)
replica_priority = optional(string)
assign_public_ip = optional(bool)
n/a yes
labels A set of key/value label pairs to assign to the cluster resources map(any) null no


Name Description
hosts Cluster hosts
id Cluster ID