
The ultimate subdomain monitorization framework

Primary LanguagePython


Subdomain monitoring framework inspired by subalert project

Setting up the environment

You need:

  • Python 2.7.16
  • Linux server e.g(Amanzon EC2)

Before we start you need to install the requirements

$ sudo pip install -r requirements.txt

After installing the requirements now you're ready to go


This tool requires a slack workspace to report the findings

You need to edit the monitor.py script

monitorizer.set_slack_channel("GLDXXXXX") # change this to your channel id
monitorizer.set_slack_token("xoxb-XXXXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX") # change this to your bot user id 

For more informations visit: https://get.slack.help/hc/en-us/articles/215770388-Create-and-regenerate-API-tokens

After editing the python file you just need to edit watch_list file to your targets then you're ready to go

$ python monitor.py

if everything is configured currectly to should see this message on your slack channel

Monitorizer supports more than one subdomain enumeration tool to achieve the best result However you could edit monitor.py to add or remove the tools as needed

scanners = [
	monitorizer.subfinder, # https://github.com/subfinder/subfinder
	monitorizer.sublist3r, # https://github.com/aboul3la/Sublist3r
	monitorizer.dnsrecon,  # https://github.com/darkoperator/dnsrecon
	monitorizer.dnscan,    # https://github.com/rbsec/dnscan
	monitorizer.subbrute,  # https://github.com/TheRook/subbrute
	monitorizer.amass,     # https://github.com/OWASP/Amass

Command lines can be found at monitorizer/cmd.map

How to run

As the script runs once everyday to need to host it on a running linux server

$ ssh myserver@somewhere.host
$ ls
$ cd Monitorizer
$ screen -dmS monitorizer bash -c 'python monitor.py'

Now monitorizer should be working at the background to view the logs just run

$ cat log.txt


  • Windows support
  • Config file [Wordlists location / slack token / slack channel id]
  • Multithreading support
  • Adding more wordlists
  • Adding more scanners