
Docker image for Velocidex Velociraptor

Primary LanguageShell


Run Velocidex Velociraptor server with Docker


  1. Ensure docker-compose is installed on the host
  2. git clone https://github.com/weslambert/velociraptor-docker
  3. cd velociraptor-docker
  4. Change credential values in .env as desired
  5. Run sudo bash build.sh to build the latest velociraptor version locally
  6. docker-compose up (or docker-compose up -d for detached)
  7. Access the Velociraptor GUI via https://<hostip>:8889
  8. Default u/p is admin/admin
  9. This can be changed by running:

docker exec -it velocraptor ./velociraptor --config server.config.yaml user add user1 user1 --role administrator

Additional Features

Description Change Command
build latest release candidate Install.5 sudo bash build.sh latest-pre
build specific release Install.5 sudo bash build.sh v6.5.0
build latest release and push it to remote container registry Install.5 sudo bash build.sh --push-user <username> --push-token <token> --push-image test.local:1234/repo/image
start a minion along the velociraptor master Install.6 docker-compose --profile minion up


Linux, Mac, and Windows binaries are located in /velociraptor/clients, which should be mapped to the host in the ./velociraptor directory if using docker-compose. There should also be versions of each automatically repacked based on the server configuration.

Once started, edit server.config.yaml in /velociraptor, then run docker-compose down/up for the server to reflect the changes

Docker image

To pull only the Docker image:

docker pull wlambert/velociraptor