Repository for Penn State DataFest 2019

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Repository for Penn State DataFest 2019

  1. Data clean: Took out some data from the wellness.csv Decided that Menstruation doesn't correlate with Fatigue

  2. player performance Use gsp to measure:

  • distance player
  • acceleration

gps: heatmap for acceleration Goal: use the points to predict tackle longitude and latitude to draw the playground for players project the long and lat onto the playground to enlarge the effect of tackle

  • use win/lose, difference between scores to measure performance in game.csv
  1. wellness

Game.csv TeamPoints TeamPointsAllowed (the tighter the score is, the players might have struggled more) Distance -> Tournament location: the further away the location is, the player might have to jet lag and travel more

USG: reflects how much exercise the day before

  1. Measure of training load
