
Starting to put presentations someplace centrally.


Starting to put SecarmaLabs presentations someplace centrally.

To never miss a new one follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SecarmaLabs To find more information check our blog: https://blog.secarma.co.uk/labs Our open source tools are available here: https://github.com/SecarmaLabs (but you could probably guess that if you are here!)

Hacking with Git

A talk given at BSides Scotland in April 2018. A video for the talk is available here:


The slides have also been presented here.


A Bit about DDE

A talk given at Glasgow Defcon in December 2017. Talking about using Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) within the Microsoft Office Suite. It being Christmas, this is loosely a Christmas Carol with the ghosts of DDE past, present, and future.
