
Location based video sharing app

For more info on the beta and the app itself, check out my medium post on the project.

Web App


  • Currently working on the iOS version. Built mostly with SwiftUI

  • Android in the future

  • Only thing that is functional is authentication.


Vers is a location based video sharing app where users can have the best video in their city, state country, and ranked globally. The app will allow users to upload up to a minute of video captured from the in-app camera (not camera roll). The app will then get the geo location of where the video was taken and compare the engagement of the video to other videos also taken in that area.

Tech Stack


  • MongoDB Atlas
  • Express
  • React.js
  • Node.js
  • Next.js for server side rendering
  • Deoployed on AWS (EC2 and S3)

Please refer to the medium blog post for more information.

Here is a link to the first concept idea of Vers that I outsourced to developers before I knew how to code. First Vers App