
Closed Loop Motor Controller

Primary LanguagePython

Closed-Loop Motor Controller

Closed Loop Controller

The controller presented in this lab works by means of repeatedly calling the function run(desired, actual) on the instantiated motor controller object. This function computes the difference between the desired and actual angular displacements of the motor, then multiplies this value by a user defined gain, Kp, to obtain a PWM value. This value may then be fed into a Motor Driver object, as defined in the motor_driver.py class file. The desired position is user defined, while the actual position is returned by means of an Encoder Reader object, as defined in the encoder_reader.py file.

Motor Driver

The motor driver class is responsible for instantiating the driving pins used to operate the motor, and for updating the PWM signal used to drive the motor by means of the set_duty_cycle(level) function. When updated adequately quickly by the closed loop controller, it is possible to drive the motor to a given angular displacement by means of varying the velocity alone.

Encoder Reader

The encoder reader class is responsible for instantiating the input pins used to detect changes in motor position. The board's onboard counter is able to detect and store up to 4000 unique positions (corresponding to one half revolution of the motor), while the absolute displacement is managed by the class. The read() function is able to track changes in angular displacement and compare them to the previously stored value, and updates the displacement accordingly. The function prevents against auto-reload related counter errors by comparing the change in position to (AR + 1)/2. As long as the function is run adequately quickly (100 times per second or more), this comparatively large displacement will catch overflow/underflow in the counter.

Step Response Plotter

The step response plotter recieves data transmitted from the MCU over the serial port to the PC. The MCU sends both time and positioning data read by the internal clock and the encoder from the encoder_reader.py over the ST-Link. The PC opens the serial port off COM11 and reads the time and positioning data sent from the MCU. The program reads from the serial port until given a command to stop, which it then transitions to plotting the recieved data.


The main function interfaces with the MCU and sends commands to run the motor. By providing a Kp value to the main.py, the motor uses the encoder_reader.py to determine its position and uses a simple proportional gain model to control the motor.


In order to evaluate the response of the motor controller, three plots were created; the first plot (Figure 1), of critically amplified flywheel response was modeled with a Kp of 0.005. The figure 2 illustrates the motor's responce to a high Kp value of 0.1, generating excessive oscillation in the flywheel. The final plot, figure3, is that of an underdamped system, which has the characteristic slow response expected of the low proportional gain of 0.02.
My Image
Figure 1
My Image
Figure 2
My Image
Figure 3