This project introduces a virtual shadowing system, inspired by seq2seq-vc and foreign accent conversion. Unlike traditional shadowing, where non-native speakers mimic native utterances, this system has native speakers shadow non-native speakers (L1-shadowing-L2). This approach serves as an intelligibility indicator for non-native speakers.
git clone
cd virtual_shadower/tools
## If make fails, try the following (compile by stages):
cd virtual_shadower/tools
make virtualenv.done
make pytorch.done
make seq2seq_vc.done
make s3prl-vc.done
make monotonic_align
make speechbertscore.done
cd egs/L1sL2/vs1
and follow the instructions in the file.
This repository draws inspiration and resources from the following projects:
- seq2seq-vc
- s3prl-vc
- ParallelWaveGan (specifically, the HuBERT_unit_vocoder_hifigan_style)
- DiscreteSpeechMetrics (for SpeechBERTScore)
title={A Pilot Study of Applying Sequence-to-Sequence Voice Conversion to Evaluate the Intelligibility of L2 Speech Using a Native Speaker's Shadowings},
author={Geng, Haopeng and Saito, Daisuke and Nobuaki, Minematsu},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.02239},
title={Simulating Native Speaker Shadowing for Nonnative Speech Assessment with Latent Speech Representations},
author={Geng, Haopeng and Saito, Daisuke and Nobuaki, Minematsu},
booktitle={arXiv preprint arXiv:2409.11742},