The gemini protocol intends to provide a significantly simplified mechanism for transmitting web content. You can read more about it here:
This project is a command line application which will fetch gemini content for you. Gemini requires a TLS certificate, see instructions below on how to create one.
A simple gemini protocol client
Gemini [options] <url> <certificatePath>
<url> The gemini url to fetch
<certificatePath> The path to the X509 certificate to use
--password <password> The password for the X509 certificate
--verbose Show debug information
--version Show version information
-?, -h, --help Show help and usage information
Fetch gemini content using default certificate (assumes that GeminiClient.crt) exists in the current location
gemini gemini://
Use verbose flag if you want to see timing and headers.
gemini gemini:// --verbose
Or if a password is needed for the certificate
gemini gemini:// --password abc123
Fetch gemini content with supplied certificate
gemini gemini:// "C:\temp\GeminiClient.crt"
- Generate a Private Key
- openssl genrsa -des3 -out GeminiClient.key 1024
- Generate a self-signed CSR
- openssl req -new -key GeminiClient.key -out GeminiClient.csr
- Remove passphrase from Key
- cp GeminiClient.key
- openssl rsa -in -out GeminiClient.key
- Generate a self-signed certificate
- openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in GeminiClient.csr -signkey GeminiClient.key -out GeminiClient.crt
- Optionally copy the new certificate to wherever you have placed the Gemini executable to be used as the default cert when a --cert argument is not provided.