
The IRC bot in #secretchronicles

Primary LanguageRuby

This is code for the IRC bot that hangs around in #secretchronicles on
chat.freenode.net. It uses Cinch (<https://github.com/cinchrb/cinch>).

If you are interested only in how to interact with furbot in
#secretchronicles, please refer to this wiki page:

First, install all of its dependencies by running the following
commands in the project directory:

    # gem install --no-user-install bundler # only if not yet installed
    $ bundle install --path .gems

Now, run it:

    $ bundle exec ruby furbot.rb

If it refuses to start because some directories are missing or not
writable for the user running it, create those directories and make
them writable for the user under which you run furbot.

furbot logs to the syslog. If you need detailed debug logging, invoke
it with the -d option, which will make it dump the entire connection
stream to standard output.

    $ bundle exec ruby furbot.rb -d

There's also a systemd .service file provided that you might want to

Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3. Includes some BSD-licensed
software; see the respective note in cinch_syslog.rb.