
Uploads results of Celery tasks to AWS CloudWatch.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

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This is a simple monitoring tool that intercepts the results of Celery tasks and uploads the result to AWS CloudWatch.


Install from PyPi:

pip install celery-cloudwatch-logs


Configuration is done through environment variables. The following environment variables must be set in order for celery-cloudwatch to work:


AWS_CLOUDWATCH_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_SECRET_KEY are optional. If not specified, Boto3 will handle the configuration for these keys, as described here:


Optionally, the following environment variables may be set:

  • REDIS_URL="redis://"

The CloudWatch log group does not have to exist. If it doesn't exists, it will be created.


$ celery cloudwatch

This requires you to have ran setup.py or installed this package through pip. Alternatively, run:

$ python -m celery_cloudwatch

How it works

Celery CloudWatch connects to your broker and monitors tasks in real time. When a task succeeded, failed was rejected or revoked, it uploads all available information about that task into a log stream on AWS CloudWatch Logs.

Based on the specified log group name in the AWS_CLOUDWATCH_GROUP_NAME, a log group will be created. For each possible result, a separate log stream is created. For each task result, an entry is added to the log stream associated with the result.

Known issues

  • --broker on celery cloudwatch is ignored.
  • No descriptive way to specify other brokers than Redis.

All brokers supported by Celery will work, simply specify the broker URL through the REDIS_URL environment variable.