
Automatically detect the largest MTU that propogates through the network to the specified URL/IP.

Does not actually make the change!

Gathers QMI related information and outputs to file. Optionally uploads to dropbox when given -u and -t arguments.

Continuously pings a URL with an MTU <= 1500. Once a working ping is found, it's rechecked every 30 seconds. Once the connection is lost, is run and a new working MTU value is searched for.

Service file for setting up the mtu_tracker as a service. Uses the hub specified in /boot/host.aliases file. Outputs logs to /var/log/mtu.log.

cp mtu_tracker.service /etc/systemd/system/mtu_tracker.service
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable mtu_tracker.service
systemctl start mtu_tracker.service

Will find the geographical center of a geotif image and print it out. The center coordinate is necessary for Map Overlay creation. Also verifies that there is valid geo metadata in the file.