reNgine-ng is an automated reconnaissance framework for web applications with a focus on highly configurable streamlined recon process via Engines, recon data correlation and organization, continuous monitoring, backed by a database, and simple yet intuitive User Interface.
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bug(scope): Nuclei only scan the first endpoint ( (HTTPS) and do not scan the next endpoints ( (HTTP)
#217 opened by haryisharry - 2
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bug(release): 2.1.0 hotfixes
#204 opened by psyray - 1
bug(login): bad redirect after first time login
#173 opened by psyray - 0
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feat(django): Django upgrade to 4.2
#202 opened by psyray - 1
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bug(note): Recon note system is completely buggy
#197 opened by psyray - 1
feat(tests): Provide unit tests
#174 opened by psyray - 1
build(deps): add possibility to easily update (and version-pin) dependencies
#143 opened by AnonymousWP - 1
bug(ui): stored xss
#179 opened by psyray - 0
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feat(vizualization): display only one occurrence of a vulnerability for a target
#124 opened by psyray - 1
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feat(postgres): improve database performance
#191 opened by psyray - 1
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bug(install): if project installed by root or folder owned by root celery is not starting
#187 opened by psyray - 1
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bug(ssl): SAN extension missing to the SSL certs
#177 opened by psyray - 1
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bug(ui): tool settings page not opening
#146 opened by psyray - 0
feat(gf): enhance GF patterns
#120 opened by psyray - 0
feat(scan): Improve internal network scan
#125 opened by psyray - 0
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bug(celery): wafw00f not installed
#165 opened by psyray - 1
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tools(scan): hakrawler version is old, need upgrade
#149 opened by psyray - 7
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feat(scope): Add ZAP docker image
#148 opened by zinwelzl - 0
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bug(scope): release/2.1.0, can't login to web gui, get this "web-1 | django.server | "GET / HTTP/1.1" 302 0"
#142 opened by zinwelzl - 1
bug(update): check update link return a 500 error
#130 opened by psyray - 1
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feat(scan): use syborg and Gotator for DNS enum
#122 opened by psyray - 2
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ci(release): automate releases
#107 opened by AnonymousWP - 1
feat(scope): Can you add Groq API?
#116 opened by zinwelzl - 0
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bug(screenshot): screenshot scan fails with errors
#110 opened by zinwelzl - 8
bug(scope): unknown shorthand flag: 'f' in -f
#108 opened by zinwelzl - 0
bug(scan): subdomain not filled with datas while launching HTTP Crawl from subdomain
#101 opened by psyray - 1
feat: Provide API support
#91 opened by Talanor - 2
bug(scope): version 2.1.0 still have 2.0.6 text
#83 opened by zinwelzl