
Presentations CRob has given over the years

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Presentations CRob has given over the years

Infosec Presentations

PSIRT Presentations

  • A Day in the Life of a TPC CVE - A presentation on how Third Party Component CVEs should be managed by a PSIRT
  • CLE-ISS 2017 - Hitchhiker's Guide to Vulnerabiities - A presentations I did with Dave Russo reviewing common terms and practices used in Coordination Vulnerabiity Disclosure (CVD) at a CLE-ISS. Here is a delightful picture of Dave and I in our robes.
  • Don't Be Elmer (FUD) - A presentation for the 2023 FIRST PSIRT TC providing advice on how the PSIRT should read security vulnerability reports, red flags to look for, and techniques to working more effectively with security researchers.
  • I Found a Vulnerability, Now What? - A presentation Lisa Bradley and I gave at Derbycon 2018 about how security researchers and PSIRTs can more efficiently communicate. Video
  • PSIRT Maturity - A presentation on how to measure and improve the maturity of your PSIRT at the FIRST PSIRT TC 2020
  • Starting and Maturing a PSIRT - A presentation talking about key services a PSIRT should provide their stakeholders and how to improve the maturity of those capabilities

OSS Presentations

  • Free Fish Aren't Free - A presentation about how open source software projects work and how steps downstream consumers of those projects need to do to ensure they are secure from several conferences in 2021
  • Implementing the OSSF Best Practices Badges & Scorecards into your project - A presentation that Dr. Wheeler and I have given at the 2023 OSS-NA and OSS-EU conferences about how developers can integrate the OSSF Best Practices Badge and OSSF Scorecard into their projects. There also were videos for the NA and EU]( ) sessions.
  • Open By Default - A presentation about 2019 CVEs in open source software from the FIRST PSIRT TC 2019
  • Open Source doesn't care about you, but you should care about it - A presentation about how vulnerabilties are worked upstream and about things downstream consumers should be aware of/plan for the inevitable vulnerability in some open source software they are using - FIRSTCON2022 & CLE-ISS 2022
  • Securing OSS At Scale - a presentation about OSS threats and how the Open Source Security Foundation is working to address them from Blackhat 2021 & OSS-NA 2022 Youtube Video
  • The Chain - an open source software supply chain talk I've given in 2023 at the Intel Vision, Cloud Nirvana, and CLE-ISS conferences
  • The Future of Open Source is Trust - a keynote I gave around how open source always was and will be based on trust at the OSS-EU 2022 YouTube Video
  • Zero Day Preppers - A presentation about zero days in open source and how maintainers/contributors can work to ensure positive outcomes from them from OSS-NA 2022