
Tool used to perform threat intelligence against packet data

Primary LanguagePython


Tool used to perform threat intelligence against packet data

- Author: Nik Alleyne
- Author Blog: www.securitynik.com

Author Books:

- Hack and Detect - Leveraging the Cyber Kill Chain for Practical 
- Mastering TShark Network Forensics - Moving From Zero to Hero

All configuration information found in the pktIntel.conf file

File: capture.py

  • This script is used to check if TShark, tcpdump or dumpcap is installed. This script can be used to setup continuous monitoring for packets.
  • This script has been updated as of December 24, 2021 to now accommodate other capturing tools.

Found the following capturing tools Please select a number for a capturing tool

1 : Found tshark -> True -> /usr/bin/tshark

2 : Found tcpdump -> True -> /usr/bin/tcpdump

3 : Found dumpcap -> True -> /usr/bin/dumpcap

[*] Please select a number:

File: pktintel.py

  • To work effectively, you must have PCAP files available and TShark installed. If you do not currently have any pcaps, execute capture.py and it will take care of that for you.

Currently, the script is not configured to send the TShark process to the background, if you wish to send it to the background, make the following changes:

FROM: sp.call(['tshark', '--interface', 'any', '-w', pcap_dir + 'securitynik.pcap', '--ring-buffer', '--files:100', '--ring-buffer', 'filesize:100000', '--color', '--print'], stderr=sp.PIPE)

TO: sp.call(['tshark', '--interface', 'any', '-w', pcap_dir + 'securitynik.pcap', '--ring-buffer', '--files:100', '--ring-buffer', 'filesize:100000', '--color', '--print', '&'], stderr=sp.PIPE)

- NOTE THE "&" AFTER THE "--print" argument sends the TShark process to the background.



  • Does IP threat Intelligence.
  • This is a very effective mechanism. Focuses solely on IP field.
  • More specifically, we look for traffic where the TCP Syn flag is set. the hope is we are looking for traffic in which the client is about to start communication.


  • Does domain name threat intelligence.
  • Still very effective. However, with DNS over HTTPS and DNS over TLS, this may become less effective over time.
  • Focuses on the DNS query name.
  • Also focuses on TLS client Hello Handshake record, extracting the Server Name Indication value (SNI)


  • Does URL threat intelligence against the packet data
  • Most effective for HTTP traffic or decrypted HTTPS traffic.
  • With the world moving to more and more encryption, this is the least effective of the 3.
  • There are ways to decrypt the traffic so all is not lost

Here is the YouTube link to a video showing how the tool is used:

Video Showing How To Use The Tool


Have Fun
Nik Alleyne