
This is my take on creating a port scanner script. I kept different version for learning purposes

Primary LanguagePython


This script scans port from a remote host address. You can specify directly an IP address or you can provide a website link such as www.google.com. You can choose between options like scan one port, scan a range of ports, or scan all ports from the remote address.

Made with Python 3.8.5 so it's working on Python 3

Module in script

socket, threading, termcolor, progressbar, sys, os, datetime.


python3 port_scanner_02.py www.google.com -a
python3 port_scanner_02.py www.google.com -r 1 1500
python3 port_scanner_02.py www.google.com -p 80

Please refer to the usage print with

python3 port_scanner_02.py -h

Legal notices

As the Nmap's legal page said : "The legal ramifications of scanning networks with Nmap [author's note: or any tool] are complex and so controversial that third-party organizations have even printed T-shirts and bumper stickers promulgating opinions on the matter".

However – while not explicitly illegal – port and vulnerability scanning without permission can get you into trouble:

  • The owner of a scanned system can sue the person who performed the scan. Even if unsuccessful, the case can waste time and resources on legal costs
  • The owner of a scanned system can report the scanner’s IP to the associated ISP. Many ISPs prohibit unauthorized port scanning. Some will take action – such as with reprimands or canceling of service

With that said, I cannot be made responsible if you have any problems after using this tool. So use it with cautions or (this is better) with authorization from the owner's scanned device.