Speech Recognition with Python!

The whole process of building speech recognition systems is highly computationally expensive and time consuming. Fortunately as a Python Programmer, we don't have to worry about any of this! A number of speech recognition services are available for use online through an API and many of these also offer Python SDK's.

The SpeechRecognition Library

  • The SpeechRecognition library stands out in terms of ease-of-use among many other available packages.

  • The SpeechRecognition library acts as a wrapper for several popular speech APIs and is thus extremely flexible. One of these—the Google Web Speech API—supports a default API key that is hard-coded into the SpeechRecognition library. That means we can get off your feet without having to sign up for a service.


Before running the recorder.py script, please make sure to install the following libraries:

  1. SpeechRecognition
pip install SpeechRecognition
  1. pyaudio
pip install pyaudio

Running the script

The recorder.py file takes in two optional arguments:

  • --show_all : Whether to show all the possible transcripts. [Default: False]
  • --pre_process : Whether to pre-process the data to tacke noise. [Default: False]

An example command to run the program:

python recorder.py -show_all True -pre_processs True