
GUI designed for contract bridge applications

Primary LanguageJava


A minimal computer contract bridge communication protocol and implementation.

The jacobian protocol

The protocol supports four players and a host program.

In EBNF, every message here ends with a newline. The number of brackets signifies the number of such messages being sent and the direction specifies whether the recipient is a player or the host.

Check Example.txt for details

>>>> "jacobian"
<<<< "id ", player_name
>>>> "new" | "newbidding" | "newplay"

Assuming newplay mode (the only one currently implemented)...

>>>> "seat ", "North" | "East" | "South" | "West"
>>>> "vul ", "All" | "None" | "EW" | "NS"
>>>> "hand ", hand
>>>> "contract ", contract
>    "go"
<    "play ", card 
>>>> "dummy ", hand
>>>  "show ", card
>    "go"
<    "play ", card
>>>  "show ", card
>    "go"
<    "play ", card
>>>  "show ", card

player_name = ascii_character, { ascii_character }
contract = level, strain, double_status, seat
double_status = "" | "X" | "XX"
hand = holding, ".", holding, ".", holding, ".", holding
holding = { rank }
card = suit, rank
rank = "A" | "K" | "Q" | "J" | "T" | "9" | "8" | "7" | "6" | "5" | "4" | "3" | "2"
seat = "N" | "E" | "S" | "W"
strain = suit | "N"
level = "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7"
suit = "S" | "H" | "D" | "C"

Currently no support for:

  • bidding
  • different scoring/goals
  • forming agreements
  • disclosure

The jacobian host

The host is an implementation of the jacobian protocol.
