The following repository contains the small App for this project: "Write a very simple chat server that should listen on TCP port 10000 for clients. The chat protocol is very simple, clients connect with "telnet" and write single lines of text. On each new line of text, the server will broadcast that line to all other connected clients. Your program should be fully tested too."

The chosen programming language is C#.

The main classes are SimpleChatClient/Server.cs and SimpleChatClient/Client.cs and they can be opened via any text editor.

The IDE of choice was of course Visual Studio 2019, so also the .sln file can be opened and displayed.

Under the folder "Executables" two exes are provided in order to test the software without the IDE, simply execute the SimpleChatServer.exe and then as many SimpleChatClient.exe as you want and just start chatting.

To close communications simply send two times "Enter" from the keyboard and then close the server