
We create some basic templates for community fast development.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


  • We create some basic templates for community fast development.
  • We are SeeDAO Dev force, we want accelerate our developing progress.
  • So, we build this template repo for all.
  • Welcome to contribute some new features for this repo.

How to use?

  • Click Repo Url and see this page.
  • Click "Use this template" button and create your own project repo.
  • Fly with Your imaginations!

How to start?

  • Install
yarn install(or npm install)
  • Run
yarn dev(or npm start)


Basic DApp template

  • See ETHShanghai2022 directory README.md.
  • Online Demo(Fleek): https://www.proofofsoul.me/
  • It a basic demo to join the ETH Shanghai hackthon.

Basic Web3 DApp template

  • Tech stack: Next(build on React) + Wagmi(basic Web3 hooks)
  • npx create-next-app base-web3
  • cd base-web3
  • view Next demo page
  • We will add basic abilities:"Connect Wallet," display ENS and balance information, sign messages, interact with contracts.
  • And more...
  • What we called Business is just build on the basic hooks.
  • So let's begin!
  • more code see base-web3 directory.


  • npm install wagmi ethers



  1. Html
  2. React
  3. Web3 combined
  4. Tailwind CSS
  5. Hardhat config and task
  6. basic example function(hardhat task)
  7. basic NFT mint with NFT.Storage(721,1155)
  8. basic ERC20 publish


  • Total l1 directory:

├── README.md

├── artifacts

├── cache

├── contracts

├── deploy-rinkeby.sh

├── hardhat.config.js

├── node_modules

├── package-lock.json

├── package.json

├── public

├── scripts

├── src

└── test

Basic Community contract template

  • Todo

Waiting your contributions!