This is an image classification project for the class Neuro 140: Biological and Artificial Intelligence, Harvard College Spring 2020. For this project, I use different type of self-built models (CNNs and ResNets) and pre-trained models like VGG19 and ResNet50 to classify 4 different locations at Harvard College.
Link to presentation of this project:
I had three objectives for this project:
- Create a model that can classify Harvard location with over 90% accuracy
- Gain my first end-to-end experience in learning about and being able to create advanced image classification models using modern tools like Tensorflow, Jupyter Hub etc. and also using pre-trained state of the art models like VGG16 and ResNet50.
- Make project publicly accessible with strong documentation
- neuro140_final.ipynb -> Main python notebook. Make sure you have installed all the packages mentioned in the notebook.
- -> The python script to be run in the terminal to perform data augmentation
- 'model_name'.h5 -> Saved model weights that can be loaded in the notebook, in case you don't want to spend time training models.
- 'Data' folder -> This file has 24 * 4 train images, 6 * 4 validation images, and 3 * 4 test images. We have to use these images and our to generate more training data.
Follow these steps to use the notebook:
- Clone the repository in your computer.
- Make sure you install all the packages used in the python notebook and the python script.
- Create 4 folders named mh, wl, sc, jh in your base directory.
- In your anaconda terminal, to run the command
"python --image data/train/X/ --output X"
- Run the above line 4 times replacing 'X' in the command with mh, wl, sc, jh.
- Then CUT paste the folders with generated images into data/train_gen folder. You have successfully created augmented training data.
- Once again, create 4 folders named mh, wl, sc, jh in your base directory.
- In your anaconda terminal, to run the command
"python --image data/train/X/ --output X"
- Run the above line 4 times replacing 'X' in the command with mh, wl, sc, jh.
- Then CUT paste the folders with generated images into data/validation_gen folder. You have successfully created augmented validation data.
- Your final directory structure will look like this:
Base_Directory (has
- data
- train
- mh
- wl
- sc
- jh
- validation
- mh
- wl
- sc
- jh
- test
- test_images
- train_gen
- mh
- wl
- sc
- jh
- validation_gen
- mh
- wl
- sc
- jh
- train
- You are ready to run the notebook.
- If you have any questions, reach out to:
Note: If you change the initially provided imagges in the 'data' folder to data of your own and generate folders for each classes accordingly, the entire notebook can turn into your own image classification toolkit.