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How to edit Seeed Wiki

We have the English and Chinese Wiki. The procedure is same. This article shows how to edit wiki step by step.

Wiki Structure

Seeed wiki uses MkDocs template desgined by Martin Donath. It includes wiki source files and compiled html files.

  • The English wiki source files are located at github. The English html files are located at amazon S3(wiki.seeedstudio.com warehouse).
  • The Chinese wiki source files are located at github. The Chinese html files are located at amazon S3(wiki.seeedstudio.com/cn warehouse).

Here is the structure of the wiki source files.

Here is the structure of the html files.

How to edit source files in github


  • Step 1. Install Python, Pip and Mkdocs by following mkdocs.org.
  • Step 2. run below command to install mkdocs-material
pip install mkdocs-material

Download the source files

  • Run below command to download the source files into local folder.
git clone https://github.com/SeeedDocument/wiki_english.git  # please change wiki_english to wiki_chinese for Chinese wiki.

Create a new wiki

  • Step 1. The md files are located at docs folder under wiki_english/wiki_chinese.

    Here are the rules for the wiki name.

    • No Space, use the _ instead of Space.
    • For Grove modules, start with Grove-, NOT Grove_.

    Here are wiki examples for templates.

    • Grove template: Grove-Ultrasonic_Ranger.md
    • Platform template: Seeeduino_v4.2.md
    • Shield template: Base_Shield_V2.md
    • Kits template: LoRa_LoRaWan_Gateway_Kit.md
  • Step 2. Edit the title by following below rules.

title: Grove - Ultrasonic Ranger  # Please do not use Space and NOT **_**.
category: Sensor # Define the category, such as Arduino, Raspberry and so on.
bzurl: https://www.seeedstudio.com/Grove-Ultrasonic-Ranger-p-960.html  # Define the bazaar website.
oldwikiname: Grove - Ultrasonic Ranger # Ignore
prodimagename: 350px-Ultrasonic_Ranger.jpg # Ignore
surveyurl: https://www.research.net/r/Grove-Ultrasonic-Ranger # Ignore
sku: 101020010 # Define SKU
tags: io_3v3, io_5v, plat_duino, plat_pi # Ignore
  • Step 3. please follow below structures to design the wiki.
- Description 
- Version # [use tablesgenerator to generate the table](tablesgenerator.com)
- Specification # [use tablesgenerator to generate the table](tablesgenerator.com)
- Platform Supported # [use tablesgenerator to generate the table](tablesgenerator.com)
- Getting Started
- FAQs
- Resources
- Tech Support

For Desciption session, please use below html code for get one now. Please just replace the href for product bazzar link.

<p style="text-align:center"><a href="https://www.seeedstudio.com/ReSpeaker-Core-V2.0-p-3039.html" target="_blank"><img src="https://github.com/SeeedDocument/wiki_english/raw/master/docs/images/get_one_now_small.png" width="200" height="38"  border=0 /></a></p>  

!!!Note For Grove modules, please add platform Supported(refer to ultrasonic sensor) and follow below structure inside of Getting Started.

- Getting Started
  - Play with Arduino
    - Hardware
    - Software
  - Play with Raspberry
    - Hardware
    - Software
  • Step 4. Add the new item into category md file. For example, please edit Sensor.md under docs folder for Grove sensors. Here are the category md files.
- Actuator.md
- Arduino.md
- BeagleBone.md
- Communication.md
- Discontinued.md
- Display.md
- Essentials.md
- Grove.md
- IoT.md
- LinkIt.md
- MakerPro.md
- OldWiki-NewWiki-Mapping.csv
- Others.md
- Platform.md
- Raspberry_Pi.md
- RePhone.md
- Respeaker.md
- Sensor.md
- Shield.md
- Tutorial.md
- Wio.md
- Wio_Tracker.md
- Wireless.md
- mbed.md

Here is the example of arduino.md. please follow the format to add the new products.

- [4WD Driver Platform V1.0](/4WD_Driver_Platform_V1.0/)
- [4WD Mecanum Wheel Robot Kit Series](/4WD_Mecanum_Wheel_Robot_Kit_Series/)
- [Basic Fastener Kit](/Basic_Fastener_Kit/)
- [Galileo Case](/Galileo_Case/)
- [Grove Maker Kit for Intel Joule](/Grove Maker Kit for Intel Joule/)
- [Grove Speech Recognizer Kit for Arduino](/Grove_Speech_Recognizer_Kit_for_Arduino/)
- [Grove Starter kit for Arduino&amp;Genuino 101](/Grove_Starter_kit_for_Arduino_101/)
- [Hercules Dual 15A 6-20V Motor Controller](/Hercules_Dual_15A_6-20V_Motor_Controller/)
  • Step 5. Add the new product into mkdocs.yml under wiki_english foler. Then edit the Page tree. Here is the page tree structure. Please follow the template to add new products.
- ReSpeaker:
    - ReSpeaker Introduction: ReSpeaker.md
    - ReSpeaker 2-Mics Pi HAT: ReSpeaker_2_Mics_Pi_HAT.md
    - ReSpeaker 4-Mic Array for Raspberry Pi: ReSpeaker_4_Mic_Array_for_Raspberry_Pi.md
    - ReSpeaker Core: ReSpeaker_Core.md
    - ReSpeaker Core v2.0: ReSpeaker_Core_v2.0.md
    - ReSpeaker Drive Unit: ReSpeaker_Drive_Unit.md
    - ReSpeaker Mic Array: ReSpeaker_Mic_Array.md
    - ReSpeaker Mic Array v2.0: ReSpeaker_Mic_Array_v2.0.md
  • Step 6. Run below command to preview the wiki.
mkdocs serve
  • Step 7. Run below command to generate the wiki html files under site folder. It will take a while to generate more than 600 html files. Please open the site folder to monitor the progress.
mkdocs build --clean

!!!Note If we just update an old wiki, please skip step 4 and step 5.

How to upload the html files to Amazon S3

  • Step 1. Open the Amazon S3 website.
  • Step 2. Key in account user name and password.
  • Step 3. Click wiki.seeedstudio.com folder for English wiki.

!!!Warning For wiki Chinese, Please search cn and select cn folder. Then move to Step 4.

  • Step 4. Select Upload button.
  • Step 5. Drag all the folders under site to the pop up window for new wiki. If we just edit an old wiki, please drag the updated wiki only.
  • Step 6. Click Upload button.
  • Step 7. Visit Wiki English to verify the modifications. Or Visit Wiki Chinese to verify the modifications.

Search file compress

The default json search file is too large, which makes the serch time becomes more and more slow. So we need to compress the search file.

1-copy the big file search_index.json from /site/search folder.

2-run search_index.py

3-rename the small file search_index_new.json to search_index.json, and upload this file into S3 wiki English-->mkdocs

How to update the banner

  • Step 1. Install git
  • Step 2. git clone https://github.com/SeeedDocument/wiki_english.git
  • Step 3. cd wiki_english/docs/images/
  • Step 4. modify the top_banner.png or right_banner.png
  • Step 5. modify the top_banner hyperlink by editing the wiki_english/docs/index.md @ line #1 XXXXXX.
<a href="https://XXXXXX" target="_blank">
  • Step 6. modify the right_banner hyperlink by editing the wiki_english\material\partials\toc.html @ line #32 XXXXXX.
<td align="left"><a href="XXXXXX" target="_blank">
  • Step 7. run below command to push the changes to github
git add .
git commit -m "update banner"
git push origin master
  • Step 8. run below command to build the site.
mkdocs build --clean
  • Step 9. Follow How to upload the html files to Amazon S3 to upload to S3.


The yam file format is related with the PyYAML, please install the below version packages, such as "pip install Markdown==2.6.11"

C:\Users\xyu6>pip list
Package                       Version
----------------------------- ----------
Markdown                      2.6.11
mkdocs                        0.17.3
mkdocs-material               2.9.2
Pygments                      2.2.0
pylint                        1.9.2
pymdown-extensions            4.11
PyYAML                        3.12

Tech Support

Please do not hesitate to contact techsupport@seeed.cc if you have any technical issue.