
go irc client for twitch.tv

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

go-twitch-irc Coverage Status

This is an irc client for connecting to twitch. It handles the annoying stuff like irc tag parsing. I highly recommend reading the documentation below, but this readme gives a basic overview of the functionality.

Documentation: https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/gempir/go-twitch-irc/v2?tab=doc

Getting Started

package main

import (


func main() {
	// or client := twitch.NewAnonymousClient() for an anonymous user (no write capabilities)
	client := twitch.NewClient("yourtwitchusername", "oauth:123123123")

	client.OnPrivateMessage(func(message twitch.PrivateMessage) {


	err := client.Connect()
	if err != nil {

Available Data

The twitch.User and MessageType structs reflect the data Twitch provides, minus any fields that have been marked as deprecated:

type User struct {
	ID          string
	Name        string
	DisplayName string
	Color       string
	Badges      map[string]int

type WhisperMessage struct {
	User User

	Raw       string
	Type      MessageType
	RawType   string
	Tags      map[string]string
	Message   string
	Target    string
	MessageID string
	ThreadID  string
	Emotes    []*Emote
	Action    bool

type PrivateMessage struct {
	User User

	Raw     string
	Type    MessageType
	RawType string
	Tags    map[string]string
	Message string
	Channel string
	RoomID  string
	ID      string
	Time    time.Time
	Emotes  []*Emote
	Bits    int
	Action  bool

type ClearChatMessage struct {
	Raw            string
	Type           MessageType
	RawType        string
	Tags           map[string]string
	Message        string
	Channel        string
	RoomID         string
	Time           time.Time
	BanDuration    int
	TargetUserID   string
	TargetUsername string

type ClearMessage struct {
	Raw         string
	Type        MessageType
	RawType     string
	Tags        map[string]string
	Message     string
	Channel     string
	Login       string
	TargetMsgID string

type RoomStateMessage struct {
	Raw     string
	Type    MessageType
	RawType string
	Tags    map[string]string
	Message string
	Channel string
	RoomID  string
	State   map[string]int

type UserNoticeMessage struct {
	User User

	Raw       string
	Type      MessageType
	RawType   string
	Tags      map[string]string
	Message   string
	Channel   string
	RoomID    string
	ID        string
	Time      time.Time
	Emotes    []*Emote
	MsgID     string
	MsgParams map[string]string
	SystemMsg string

type UserStateMessage struct {
	User User

	Raw       string
	Type      MessageType
	RawType   string
	Tags      map[string]string
	Message   string
	Channel   string
	EmoteSets []string

type GlobalUserStateMessage struct {
	User User

	Raw       string
	Type      MessageType
	RawType   string
	Tags      map[string]string
	EmoteSets []string

type NoticeMessage struct {
	Raw     string
	Type    MessageType
	RawType string
	Tags    map[string]string
	Message string
	Channel string
	MsgID   string

type UserJoinMessage struct {
	// Channel name
	Channel string

	// User name
	User string

type UserPartMessage struct {
	// Channel name
	Channel string

	// User name
	User string

For unsupported message types, we return RawMessage:

type RawMessage struct {
	Raw     string
	Type    MessageType
	RawType string
	Tags    map[string]string
	Message string

Available Methods

ParseMessage parses a raw Twitch IRC message into a User and a message object. User can be nil.

func ParseMessage(line string) (*User, interface{})

Client Methods

These are the available methods of the client so you can get your bot going:

func (c *Client) Say(channel, text string)
func (c *Client) Whisper(username, text string)
func (c *Client) Join(channel string)
func (c *Client) Depart(channel string)
func (c *Client) Userlist(channel string) ([]string, error)
func (c *Client) Connect() error
func (c *Client) Disconnect() error


On your client you can configure multiple options:

client.IrcAddress = "" // for custom irc server
client.TLS = false // enabled by default, will connect to non TLS server of twitch when off or the given client.IrcAddress
client.SetupCmd = "LOGIN custom_command_here" // Send a custom command on successful IRC connection, before authentication.
client.Capabilities = []string{twitch.TagsCapability, twitch.CommandsCapability} // Customize which capabilities are sent
client.SetRateLimiter(twitch.CreateVerifiedRateLimiter()) // If you have a verified bot or other needs use this to set a custom rate limiter

Option modifications must be done before calling Connect on the client.


By default, the client sends along all 3 Twitch capabilities (Tags, Commands, Membership).


These callbacks are available to pass to the client:

client.OnConnect(func() {})
client.OnPrivateMessage(func(message PrivateMessage) {})
client.OnWhisperMessage(func(message WhisperMessage) {})
client.OnClearChatMessage(func(message ClearChatMessage) {})
client.OnClearMessage(func(message ClearMessage) {})
client.OnRoomStateMessage(func(message RoomStateMessage) {})
client.OnUserNoticeMessage(func(message UserNoticeMessage) {})
client.OnUserStateMessage(func(message UserStateMessage) {})
client.OnGlobalUserStateMessage(func(message GlobalUserStateMessage) {})
client.OnNoticeMessage(func(message NoticeMessage) {})
client.OnUserJoinMessage(func(message UserJoinMessage) {})
client.OnUserPartMessage(func(message UserPartMessage) {})

Message Types

If you ever need more than basic PRIVMSG, this might be for you. These are the message types currently supported: