
My version of readme.md profile. Don't hesitate to use it for your profile. Just make sure to change links

Primary LanguageC#

Hello folks ! Welcome to my profile 👋

  • 🔭 Swiss developer in work-study / apprenticeship
  • 🌱 Favorite music : Sorrow - My love
  • 👯 If you want to collaborate on a project, fork
  • 👾 Director of AustralisGroup | hub.australis-group.fr
  • Join Australis-Hosting's Discord

A little more about me

public class me{
    string username = "Seenkid";
    int age = 20;
    string country = "Switzerland";
    string website = "https://seenkid.dev/";

When do I code ? 🐤

🌞 Morning         ██████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░   20.0% 
🌆 Daytime         ████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░   10.0% 
🌃 Evening         ██████████████░░░░░░░░░░░   35.0%  
🌙 Night           ██████████████░░░░░░░░░░░   35.0% 

I Spend My Time On

💬 Programming languages:
- Python
- CSharp
- JavaScript
- PHP (rarely)
- (G)Lua (not anymore)
- Java (rarely)
- SourcePawn (not anymore)

🔥 Editors:
- VS Code / VSCodium
- Rider
- Visual Studio 2022
- PyCharm
- PhpStorm
- IntelliJ IDEA
- Fleet
- Vim / NVim

💻 Operating System:
- Windows 11 (I miss Windows 7 ngl)
- Linux (Ubuntu, Kalix, Manjaro, Debian) but mainly Arch nowadays
- Mac OS Sonoma

My GitHub Data :octocat:



🤝🏻  My Social networks :

All my links

🛠  Tools

Python  JavaScript  Java  Node.js  GitHub  Visual Studio Code  Bootstrap  HTML  CSS  C# 
