This is a MERN Project for Car Sales Companny to track information .
NodeJS | React |
express | axios |
cors | react-router-dom |
dotenv | bootstrap |
jsonwebtoken | @material-ui/icons |
mongoose | |
bcrypt |
This is Home Page of Car Sales Information System
This is Sign Up Page with Username,Email,Password, Password Confirmation inputs
This is Sign In Page with Email and Password
If User didnt signed in User cannot reach to Dealers Page
When User Sign In User will reach to Dealers Page There is a Form for User to add Dealers and a list of Dealers of the User added
If User didnt signed in User cannot reach to Cars Page
When User Sign In User will reach to Cars Page There is a Form for User to add Cars that containt City Options from Dealers that user added and a list of Cars of the User added
Cars colorized due to status of the car |
İf car is Avaible the color will be Lightgrey |
İf car Need Maintenance the color will be Orange |
İf car is Rented the color will be Blue |
İf car is Sold the color will be Green |