Rate Limiting with Redis and Express
This project demonstrates how to implement rate limiting in a Node.js Express application using Redis as a caching mechanism. It provides IP-based and endpoint-based rate limiting to restrict the number of requests per IP address and per endpoint respectively.
- Node.js installed
- Redis server running locally or on a remote server
Set up the Redis connection:
- If your Redis server is running locally, you can use the default configuration.
- If your Redis server is running on a remote server or has custom configurations, modify the Redis connection settings in app.js accordingly.
The application provides two types of rate limiting: IP-based rate limiting and endpoint-based rate limiting.
IP-based Rate Limiting
IP-based rate limiting restricts the number of requests per IP address. The default configuration allows a maximum of 100 requests per IP address within a time window of 60 seconds.
To apply IP-based rate limiting to all routes, use the ipRateLimit middleware in index.js
Endpoint-based Rate Limiting
Endpoint-based rate limiting restricts the number of requests per endpoint. The default configuration allows a maximum of 50 requests per endpoint within a time window of 60 seconds.
To apply endpoint-based rate limiting to specific routes, use the endpointRateLimit middleware in index.js
app.get('/api/data', endpointRateLimit, (req, res) => {
// Your route logic here
Error Handling
If there are any errors with the Redis connection or any other internal server errors, appropriate error messages will be sent with the corresponding HTTP status codes.