Mock Custom OIDC token claims with Github


  • This service serves as a custom validation service for GitHub Actions OIDC tokens
  • Allows users to have access control over Github's action infrastructure based on the contents of OIDC tokens.
  • Service is deployed to

Use case Scanrio

  • GitHub Actions workflow would generate an OIDC token.
  • This token can then be sent to our system for validation.
  • Our system verifies the token and returns the decoded claims if it's valid.

Main components

  • GitHubClaims struct:
    • Defines the structure for GitHub OIDC token claims, including repository, owner, and workflow information.
  • AppState struct:
    • Holds the shared application state, containing a thread-safe reference to the JWKS (JSON Web Key Set).
  • TokenRequest struct:
    • Represents the incoming token validation request, containing a single token field.
  • token_endpoint function:
    • Handles POST requests to /token, validating the provided GitHub token and returning the claims if valid.
  • validate_github_token function:
    • Performs the actual token validation, including:
      • Checking token format
      • Decoding the token header
      • Finding the appropriate key in the JWKS
      • Decoding and validating the token
      • Checking organization and repository claims against environment variables
  • fetch_jwks function:
    • Fetches the JWKS from GitHub's OIDC provider URL.
  • hello function:
    • A simple handler for the root path /, returning Hello, OIDC!.
  • main function:
    • Initializes logging and error handling
    • Fetches the initial JWKS
    • Sets up the HTTP server with routes for / and /token
    • Starts the server on port 3000

Test Plan

Local testing

  • Clone repo
  • run cargo watch -x run
  • go the github actions tab and generate a JWT token from Get and Validate JWT workflow
  • you will find a JWT token under artifacts, click to download
  • run
    • curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"token":"your_generated_token"}' http://localhost:3000/token

Expected Ouput:

{ sub: "repo:Seif-Mamdouh/oidc_service:ref:refs/heads/main", repository: "Seif-Mamdouh/oidc_service", repository_owner: "Seif-Mamdouh", job_workflow_ref: "Seif-Mamdouh/oidc_service/.github/workflows/test_jwt.yml@refs/heads/main", iat: 1724872875 }

Prod Testing

  • go to github action and run Get and Validate JWT workflow action on main branch

Expected output:

Screenshot 2024-08-28 at 4 16 15 PM